Halloween Writing Competition Winners

Dec 4, 2023
Halloween Writing Competition Winners

Spooky Story by Ehlissya

Emma ran through the woods where she came came across a ....

WAIT! I think we need to rewind a little

Emma was girl, a girl as quiet as a mouse! Emma attended Myrtle High and her life wasn't very exciting. Her dad was a doctor working late shifts and her mum well, she didn't have one. Her mother Elizabeth had passed away when Emma was very young. All she remembers, from the traumatic event, were sirens wailing and lights flashing as well as her dad being no use. She had no photos or any recollection of memories with her mother. She wasn't very popular nor did she have any friends and she often spent most of her time alone. She used her spare time as drawing practice, she was an excellent artist. Day in and day out Emma would just go about her day as usual and nothing exciting ever happened in Emma's life. Emma Was just peacefully strolling to school one gloomy morning, when her backpack was suddenly torn from her shoulders and emptied on to the floor. She turned to see 3 yr 11 kids (Emma was in ur 10) stood there FULL of laughter "wh - why did you do that for?!" Shouted Emma " because we can" sneered Haley. They then walked away cackling wickedly. Emma went to pick up a pencil that had rolled near a lamp post when she saw a young child ready to cross the road and instantly shouted "STOP" she grabbed the child swiftly as a drunk driver swerved and CRASHED into the pavement. The whole school stood there in shock " how did she see him " a boy murmured.

Emma now realised her whole life was all going to change.... But little did she know with great power comes great responsibility. Now Emma was bombarded with things she didn't even know she could do such as : telekinesis flying teleportation and much more ! A few days later she received a mysterious message stating - come meet me at the woods at midnight or else! Emma Darby 625 Amber lane. Emma thought - how does it know where I live and what my name is ? Emma gasped
and fell to the floor with a horrible ringing in her head. She then realised this perhaps had something to do with her super-natural abilities. Emma then snuck out at 11:50pm. She jumped on her bike and was riding to the woods. As she entered she saw a big haunting figure flying up. In the sky, which then swooped down. There was nowhere to hide !! It looked as if it was some sort of flesh eating thing, not a zombie & & but not a monster either. A VAMPIRE !!!! And IT HAD EMMA'S DAD!! Emma screamed "DAD!!"and then the eerie flesh eater uttered " give me your powers or your measly father DIES!" "B - But I don't know how to " SLASH!!! Emma's father was horrifyingly cut to pieces ( Now you understand the rest)

Emma ran through the woods. Full of tears (9) but as she came to her neighbourhood her house wasn't there.......


The Ghost Train by Gracie-May

One icy, gloomy night the full moon glistened throughout: the darkness. It was a special night as it was Friday the 13th of October, and we all know what that means! All the children lay down their heads and slept peacefully accept Cliff and Olive. There was a bit of a problem and when I say a 'bit of a problem' I mean a BIG problem. The children could hear a loud train sound even though there were no trains in Cullingworth. But Olive remembered her Nanny telling her that there was once a train that went past their house many years ago. Hearing this noise was very strange because the train line got knocked down in 1963 so why is this happening? Cliff and Olive decided to investigate. They sneaked out of the house and followed the sound. The streets were damp and foggy making it hard to see but Olive remembered her mum left a bright flashlight in the garden she followed the sound of the "chuck chuck chucks' it was getting louder and scarier. Cliff was too scared and wanted to turn back Olive said, "no we have to get a closer look" and grabbed his hand and dragged him through the creepy path leading to the old viaduct. The wind howled, the owls silent, trees where nearly snapping while the bats squealed. This was not an ordinary night this was something very unusual. The children heard a scream coming from the old railway. They started to run in fear of what might happen next. Cliff fell onto his little knees and Olive dropped the flashlight and it smashed everywhere. Now they were in total darkness.

Olive and Cliff never to be seen again.

The end.

The Mystery Board Game By Erryan

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